
Dropbox, one of the biggest names in free online storage right now

Follow the next steps to save your Craft CMS backups on Dropbox:

# Creating an Access Token

Follow the next instructions to get a valid access token

  • Go toΒ www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
  • Click on 'Create app
  • Click on 'Dropbox api'
  • Click on 'App Folder'
  • Provide some app name 'my-dropbox-app'
  • Click on 'Create app'
  • Scroll down to 'Generated access token' and Click 'Generate' Click on generate

# Enable Dropbox

  1. Click onΒ "Settings"
  2. Click on "Dropbox"
  3. Enable Dropbox
  4. Add the Access Token
  5. Add the path (a folder will be created on your dropbox folder)

Dropbox settings