// Prueba enupal.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "conio.h"
#include <math.h> 
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
const int X = 10;
const int Y = 10;
const int hcode = 206;
using namespace std;
struct hero 
		char code;//alt + 206 => in windows
		int posx;
		int posy;
		int vidas;

void init(char world[][Y], struct hero &link)
		int i, j;

		link.code = hcode;
		link.posx = X-1;
		link.posy = 5;
		link.vidas = 3;

		for (i = 0; i < X; i++)
				for (j = 0; j < Y; j++)
						world[i][j] = ' ';
		world[link.posx][link.posy] = link.code;

void paint(char world[][Y])
		int i, j;
		cout << endl << endl;

		for (i = 0; i < X; i++)
				cout << "\t";
				for (j = 0; j < Y; j++)
						cout << world[i][j] << " ";
				cout << endl;
		cout << endl << endl;
		cout << "\t";
		cout << "SPACE INVADERS by Enupal";

void refreshWorld(char world[][Y], struct hero link)
		world[link.posx][link.posy] = link.code;

void move(char key, char world[][Y], struct hero &link)
		//Review the ascii table
		if (key == char(75))// ascci code for Left
				if (link.posy > 0)
						link.code = ' ';
						refreshWorld(world, link);
						link.code = hcode;
						link.posy--;//link.posy = link.posy -1
						refreshWorld(world, link);
		if (key == char(77))// ascci code for Left
				if (link.posy < X-1)
						link.code = ' ';
						refreshWorld(world, link);
						link.code = hcode;
						link.posy++;//link.posy = link.posy +1
						refreshWorld(world, link);

void timer(char world[][Y], struct hero link)
		char key;// keydown
		int step = 0;

		while (1)// paint all the time
				if (_kbhit())// listen when a key is down
						key = _getch();//save the ascii code
						move(key, world, link);

				system("cls");// clean the screen


int main()
		char world[X][Y];
		struct hero link;

		init(world, link);
		timer(world, link);


		return 0;